

普美Bomi(보미),本名Jeong Bo-mi (정보미),是一位来自韩国的女艺人,同时也是女团Girl Crush的成员之一。出生于1996年,普美凭借着出色的颜值、身形和气质,成为了Girl Crush中备受关注的焦点。她的才艺和魅力使得她在韩国舞蹈圈以及国际乐迷中都享有极高的知名度和人气。Girl Crush是一支以性感风格为主要特点的女团,以强大的舞台表现力和魅力吸引了大量的粉丝。团体的音乐风格被称为“Girl Crush风”,强调女性力量和独立,表达女性高贵、冷艳的形象,深受女性粉丝喜爱。普美作为Girl Crush的一员,也在团体中展现出了独特的魅力和个性。


普美Bomi(보미)在Girl Crush中担任主唱和主舞的重要角色,她的舞台表现力和舞蹈技巧备受赞誉。她的舞台风采充满自信和力量,每一次的演出都能吸引观众的目光。她的舞蹈动作流畅而有力,表现了她对舞台的热爱和专业素养。除了舞台表现力,普美还拥有出色的唱功,她的歌声甜美动人,能够轻松驾驭各种曲风。她的演唱风格兼具温柔和力量,使得她在团体的音乐中起到了重要的推动作用。普美的声线和表演才华为团体的音乐增色不少,也为她赢得了众多粉丝的喜爱。


除了在团体活动中展现实力,普美也积极参与个人活动。2018年,普美成为韩国首尔汽车沙龙Nano Beam的模特,展现了她的多面魅力和演艺实力。2019年4月8日,她正式推出了首支数字单曲《Memories》,宣告了个人出道。这次出道标志着普美个人音乐事业的开启,也让更多的人看到了她的潜力和实力。普美Bomi(보미)作为韩国娱乐圈的新星,不仅因为出色的舞台表现和音乐才华备受瞩目,她的青春活力和阳光笑容也深受粉丝喜爱。





NO.001 [LOOZY] “Your own fantasy” [123P-1.73GB]
NO.002 [DJAWA] “Bomistry #2” [45P-257MB]
NO.003 [DJAWA] “Bomistry #3” [58P-527MB]
NO.004 [DJAWA] Tae Ri (태리) “Devil 666 & Angel 777” [80P-1.40GB]
NO.005 [LOOZY] Roomate [52P-955MB]
NO.006 [LOOZY] The undress [69P-906MB]
NO.007 [DJAWA] “Bomistry #1” [44P-236MB]
NO.008 [BLUECAKE] Catalina [98P-758MB]
NO.009 [Loozy] Made For You [51P-1.20GB]
NO.010 [BLUECAKE] Christmas with my Bomi & Lover [146P-2.18GB]
NO.011 [Bimilstory] Vol.03 Sexy bunny girl maid [85P1V-1.66GB]
NO.012 [BLUECAKE] Siren [71P-131MB]
NO.013 [BLUECAKE] Pink Dancer [73P-109MB]
NO.014 [BLUECAKE] Secret Billiard Room [82P-283MB]
NO.015 [BLUECAKE] &Zia (지아) Fate Saber x Thosaka Rin -Lingerie ver [128P-1.65GB]
NO.016 [BLUECAKE] Mini Bikini [80P-785MB]
NO.017 [LOOZY] One day [70P-752MB]
NO.018 [LOOZY] PT Girl [126P-1.91GB]
NO.019 [BLUECAKE] Lucifer [89P-1.58GB]
NO.020 [BLUECAKE] Happy Bomiday [95P-1.14GB]
NO.021 [BLUECAKE] &Zia (지아) Mandarin [72P-1.31GB]
NO.022 [BLUECAKE] Pure Love [109P-1.09GB]
NO.023 [Loozy] Holiday [94P-137MB]
NO.024 [BLUECAKE] City of Night
NO.025 [Bluecake] Secret Halloween daylight
NO.026 [Bluecake] Secret Halloween twilight
NO.027 [Loozy] Thin Piece Between [63P-809MB]
NO.028 [BBUTTERMILK] VOL.02 Bomi’s day
NO.029 [Bimilstory] Vol.04 Cute Striped Maid
NO.030 [Bimilstory] Vol.05 Under Boob
NO.031 [BLUECAKE] POP Star [109P-2.76GB]
NO.032 [BLUECAKE] Secret Billiard Room (Full Ver.) [146P1V-2.56GB]
NO.033 [BLUECAKE] Temptation + Bunny [130P-1.54GB]
NO.034 [Bimilstory] Vol.06 Bomi’s Revealing High-leg [70P-364MB]
NO.035 [Bimilstory] Vol.08 – Boyfriend’s point of view
NO.036 Dark Maid
NO.038 [BLUECAKE] LUST + RED.Ver [141P-1.39GB]
NO.039 [BLUECAKE] Bomi Vol.12 Hot Summer Cool Body [98P1V-1.63GB]
NO.040 pure media Vol.182 [96P-987MB]
NO.041 [Loozy] Part Timer [124P-0.99GB]
NO.042 [BLUECAKE] BACKSIDE (red ver.) [161P-1.58GB]
NO.043 [Bimilstory] Vol.11 Athletic Girl [105P-745MB]
NO.044 [Moon Night Snap] Melody Vol.2 [75P-1.90GB]
NO.045 [Moon Night Snap] Melody Vol.2 [75P-1.90GB]
NO.046 [Bimilstory] Vol.09 Maid in Mesh Stockings [83P-721MB]
NO.047 [Moon Night Snap] Melody Vol 1
NO.048 [Moon Night Snap] Good Day vol.01
NO.049 [Moon Night Snap] Good Day vol.02
NO.050 [Moon Night Snap] &Zia (지아) Together Vol.02 [70P-743MB]
NO.051 [Bimilstory] Vol.13 – Agent
NO.052 [BLUECAKE] Black & Yellow (+RED Ver) [150P-4.58GB]
NO.053 [DJAWA] &Taeri – Cat and Rabbit [81P-921MB]
NO.054 [Bimilstory] Vol.01 Nier Automata 2B Black ver [75P-424MB]
NO.055 [Bimilstory] Under Boob 2 [96P1V-1.15GB]
NO.056 [Bimilstory] Vol.17 Sticky Wet Body
NO.057 [Bimilstory] Vol.02 Healer Bomi
NO.058 [Loozy] Covert Stage [137P-2.59GB]
NO.059 [PEEKCLOUD] Christmas Twin Edition( x Yuka (유카)
NO.060 [Bimilstory] Vol.18 Outdoor Exposure! Car Tour+ [182P2V-3.62GB]
NO.061 [Loozy] Bondage Subway [100P-2.12GB]
NO.062 [FANDING] Fanding Premium Photobooks [130P-952MB]
NO.063 [Bimilstory] Agent + Sketch Movie [102P-1.96GB]
NO.064 Shy Baby [11P-53MB]
NO.065 [Bimilstory] Vol.20 Like a Doll
NO.066 [Loozy] Maid Cafe (+S.Ver)
NO.067 [Bimilstory] Vol.22 Manga Girl [97P1V-1.50B]
NO.068 [Bimilstory] Mesh and leather, Body
NO.069 [Bimilstory] Vol.19 See-through lingerie
NO.070 [Loozy] On her own with gelly (+S.Ver)
NO.071 [Loozy] Girlgroup Yanos (+S.Ver) [90P-1.84GB]
NO.072 [Bimilstory] Vol.24 Single Woman’s Boyfriend Invitation No.01 [75P1V-3.62GB]
NO.073 [Bimilstory] Vol.24 Single Woman’s Boyfriend Invitation No.02 [25P1V-1.23GB]
NO.074 [Bimilstory] Vol.25 Single Woman’s Boyfriend Invitation – Bead Panties 01 [74P1V-3.49GB]
NO.075 [Bimilstory] Vol.25 Single Woman’s Boyfriend Invitation – Bead Panties 02 [25P1V-2.11GB]
NO.076 [Bimilstory] Vol.26 Fantasy Hardcore Bondage 01 [58P1V-1.20GB]
NO.077 [Bimilstory] Vol.26 Fantasy Hardcore Bondage 02 [72P1V-1.30GB]
NO.078 [Loozy] Secret Treatment [129P7V-2.92GB]
NO.079 [Loozy] Street Stall [112P4V-3.24GB]
NO.080 [Bimilstory] Vol.27 Anime Girl [93P1V-2.57GB]
NO.081 [Loozy] Night Roads [102P7V-3.92GB]
NO.082 [Bimilstory] Vol.28 Sales Queen Secret [146P3V-5.71GB]


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